I always drew as a kid. When learning to draw in the formative years, I admired slick, glossy illustrations, comic art, skateboarding graphics that left not a hint of process. I also appreciated band flyers, posters and music zines made in a loose, fast “cut and paste” style. Being a 'maker of things' is also part of my studio: looking for materials in salvage yards & shops to reclaim. These odds & ends become creatures, robots, gremlins, other sculptural objects, lamps, etc. Whether painting or sculpting, I try to emulate both ways working, even though the two styles might seem at odds. Originally from Chicago, I’ve been in San Francisco since 2005.
The steps should be visible.
A slick looking finish does not interest me as much as it once did.
I often make from or on discarded, salvaged, junk items- I like to re-use.
An imperfect / weathered / marred surface is a great thing.
Most likely, I will paint it up, scratch it away, and then paint over it again.
I like to fight with the surface and then make nice.
I prefer muted colors.
I’ve had a long running interest in process and construction [no matter what medium I happen to be working with].